Less than five months from now, on Thursday 24 September, the AFS network will celebrate its eighth edition of the Intercultural Dialogue Day (IDD). Several local chapters and national offices all over Europe have already started preparations for IDD activities on the big day, when AFS volunteers across the continent will once again make a joint effort to set up different events targeting external audiences: creativity workshops, youth debates, panel discussions, concerts, school activities, flash mobs, movie screenings, street fairs, competitions, markets, etc.

After last year’s extra boost in the IDD project (see the overview of results in the final video: http://youtu.be/gcXJOaR2RR0), we would like to keep the momentum also for 2015. This year, in the context of EFIL’s leading theme on Citizenship Education, we would particularly encourage IDD activities promoting active global citizenship at a grassroots level. More information on that coming soon through the IDD Facebook page!

And there is additional good news to share: several AFS organisations outside Europe expressed strong interest to also organise IDD events in their countries this year. Together we can make this locally-run project truly global – let’s hope it will grow!

Volunteers all over Europe and beyond, make 24 September, Intercultural Dialogue Day 2015, YOUR day!

For more information: izabela.jurczik-arnold@afs.org


IDD in chapter Izhevsk, Russia – winner of the 2015 IDD Photo contest