Interested in participating in the contest? Read this carefully!

On the Intercultural Dialogue Day (in 2017 on the 28 September) local AFS volunteers organise public events to promote intercultural dialogue through youth exchanges, volunteering, and active citizenship.

AFS volunteers at local level are encouraged to take bottom-up initiative and organise events of various scale to reach externals in communities around them.

If you (chapter or EFIL member organisation) are organising something related to this year’s theme of “Inclusive intercultural learning: exchange organisations contributing to equal opportunities for young people” for Intercultural Dialogue Day you can also enter in the IDD Photo & Video Contest. It’s a great way to show others around the world what you did to foster Intercultural Dialogue in your community and you might win one of our amazing prices. You can read more about the yearly theme here. Please note that only event connected to the theme are eligible for the contest.

How to enter: During your IDD event make sure to take a picture or make a video you would like to share. Then you just upload your picture or video with a short description (say something in the post about which country and local chapter you represent, the volunteer team, the spokesperson of your event, description about what, where, who, how and when happened) to the IDD Facebook page ( Voilà, you have entered the contest! Volunteers of all EFIL member organisations are eligible to enter.

How to win: Like a classic Facebook contest the way to win is to get the most “likes” on your picture or video. Start by “liking” our Facebook page and make sure your friends do so as well. Once you have uploaded your picture on the IDD Facebook page you can share and promote your post to make people aware of this really cool event you took part in and to gather “likes”. This way you also help spread the importance of “Inclusive intercultural learning: exchange organisations contributing to equal opportunities for young people” throughout the AFS network and beyond. Share your entry around social media, gather the most “likes” and you win the contest.

Prices: Apart from the obvious joy of spreading the AFS mission and spirit you can also win some pretty amazing prizes. The 1st place video and 1st place photo win one free registration to the EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit in Norway 2018! 1st, 2nd and 3rd places win a spot in the IDD Toolkit 2017 where their initiative will be shared for other volunteers to look at when they need inspiration for their own events in years to come.

Deadlines: Intercultural Dialogue Day will take place on 28 September. You have until  5 October to upload your picture. On 12 October at midnight we will tally the votes and the day after the winner will be announced! The winning photo and video will we premiered at the IDD Quiz in Brussels on 26 October.

The small print: Please note that each event can only send in one photo and one video. If you are f.ex. 15 volunteers organising the event together you have to choose a delegate to upload the picture on behalf of your group/chapter/organisation. If you win you must decide on your own who gets the prize. Furthermore, should you win and sign up for the VSS but then cancel, kindly note that the cancelation policy is intact for you as for any other volunteer and you will be expected to pay the cancellation fee.

We look forward to your photos and videos as of 28 September 29!


If you have any questions regarding this please contact