International Educational Conference “Moving beyond Mobility”

October 13/14, 2008, Berlin

A conference for researchers, practitioners and experts in the field of international youth exchange and intercultural learning, about the educational impact, success stories and obstacles of exchange programs.

Aims and objectives of the Conference

In the past years few studies about long-term/short-term and individual/group exchange have been carried out. Hardly ever have those studies been related to each other. A variety of small but very specific research has been done by exchange organizations or universities but they are not very well known in the field and across national borders. Looking at “best practices” it is even more difficult to find out about solutions in other countries because there are no international publications that cover the practical and political aspects or obstacles of exchange programs.

Therefore the overall objective of the conference was to provide an international platform for the various players in the field of international youth exchange to exchange research results and best practices. Policy-makers, researchers, and potential sponsors are our partners in a discussion on how to overcome obstacles and create a supportive environment for the programs.

Conference Proceedings

Here you can read the final report.

Selected papers of the conference have been published in the special double edition of the „Journal for Intercultural Education“ in June 2009