A European Pool of Trainers: what for?

The primary function of the EFIL European Pool of Trainers (EPOT) is to constitute a group of more experienced trainers from within EFIL membership, where trainers for European events can be recruited.

EFIL organises 5-6 volunteer training events a year. These events are, in general, 5-7-day long activities hosted by different member organisations.They are organised by Preparatory teams of 4-5 members (EPOT trainers and the EFIL training co-ordinator) who are in charge of the preparation, the implementation and evaluation of the training activities.

The recruitment of preparatory teams takes place through open calls to the European Pool of Trainers.

Next to that, EFIL organises each year 2-3 staff training events, where EPOT members can also be recruited as trainers/facilitators.

The preparatory team members meet in general 2-4 months before the event during a weekend of preparation to design the programme and share responsibilities. One day before the seminar, the prep team meets to finalise the details of the activity.

The EPOT members may also receive offers to act as Travelling Trainers and run shorter training sessions during national training events, on specific request by Member Organisations.

European Pool of Trainers 2017-2018

Membership in the EPOT is a 2-year commitment. Every two years a complete refreshment of the EPOT takes place, when both previous and new members can apply to join.

The current 2015-2016 EPOT has 103 members, representing 24 EFIL Member Organisations.

The refreshment is currently taking place. Those interested in joining the EPOT should contact their national AFS organisation.