The highly positive impact of learning mobility on youth has been proven, recognised and supported via concrete measures and programmes that demonstrate Europe’s willingness to place learning mobility high on the educational and youth agendas.

Despite this, mobility of school students is hindered in practice by a poorly enabling legal framework. The school period spent abroad is not recognised in many European countries; this means that often students need to attend an additional year of school, once back in their home country.

European Federation for Intercultural Learning and EEE-YFU have partnered with EPAEUROCLIO KeyCoNet and Obessu for the #RecogniseStudyAbroad campaign supported by MEP Victor Negrescu.

Mr. Negrescu is taking the initiative of submitting a written question on this matter for oral debate in the European Parliament plenary. You can find the proposal for the written question here.

Mr. Megrescu also hosts the event “Recognise Study Abroad”, on the 29th of March 2017, from 15:00 to 16:30, at the European Parliament. Registrations for the here.