In 2006 the European Union Member states adopted the 8 Key Competences for Lifelong Learning. The aim of this framework is to identify competences that are fundamental for individuals in a knowledge-based society. Currently the framework is being revised.

The European Federation for Intercultural Learning has been using the 8 key competences framework to define learning outcomes of volunteers and pupils involved in our learning mobility programmes. However, the federation believes that intercultural competences are not well included in the 8 key competences and that at this time of revision of the framework, it is important to bring some clarity in the definitions.

The position of EFIL, written by members of the Secretariat and the Training for Intercultural Learning Advisory Board can be read here.

The position has been sent to KeyCoNet (the Key competence Network on School Education) and the European Commission-school unit. Furthermore, it has been shared with the European Youth Forum and the Lifelong Learning Platform, of both of which EFIL is a member.

To gather support EFIL has also shared this document with likeminded organisations.

Read EFIL’s position on the revision of the Key Competences here.