
To structure the VSS content offer, workshops are organised in thematic tracks. Each track focuses on one aspect of the topic – global citizenship education – and explores it from different angles. Therefore, if you want to focus on one aspect specifically you can select workshops that belong to the same track and if you attend at least 2 workshops from the same track you will receive a track certificate. If you would rather explore freely, don’t worry… just choose any workshop that picks your interest and you will receive workshop certificates. The five tracks are:

  • Intro to Intercultural learning and facilitation (ICL)
  • A volunteer journey to Global Citizenship Education (GCE)
  • Toolbox for Project Management (Toolbox)
  • Leadership and governance (LG)
  • Jolly (a.k.a anything goes)  (Jolly)  

Through non-formal and informal learning, young adults can acquire valuable competencies for successfully coping with life, their personal development, and their participation in society. The learning experiences also help boost opportunities in the employment market. Because of these reasons, it is important these learning experiences receive greater recognition. In this workshop, we will tackle the basic differences between formal, informal, and non-formal education. After some hands-on NFE methods, we try to build bridges to the knowledge we get from school and try to answer the question ‘When will I ever need the stuff I learn at school?’