Volunteers are a core part of EFIL. We aim at providing them with opportunities to share, learn and network with other volunteers from all over Europe and beyond, and to build a solid European network of volunteers that support each other and work together towards the advancement of the AFS mission.


Volunteer Summer Summit

The VSS gathers volunteers from across Europe and beyond for an annual training event organised by volunteers. The event focuses on a different topic each year but always includes sharing of best practices, high-quality workshops, a community project and new friendships.
The VSS 2023 will take place on 23-28 July in Reims, France.

Visit the VSS 2023 website

European Pool of Trainers

A group of experienced trainers from within EFIL membership, with a 2-year commitment to train in AFS events in Europe.

Travelling Trainers

This scheme allows EFIL Member Organisations to request the participation of a trainer from the EFIL European Pool of Trainers (EPOT) to take part in national training or volunteer meetings.

Pool of representatives

The Pool of representatives consists of AFS volunteers and staff interested in representing EFIL externally, getting involved in advocacy at European and international level. 


Other opportunities

Learning how to accelerate change at the Level UP event

In October 2022 we accompanied a team of 23 AFS volunteers from 14 different countries that participated in the Level Up event at the European Parliament in Brussels, an activist boot camp organised by the European Youth Forum in the frame of the European Year of Youth that gathered +1400 young activists from all over Europe to boost up their skills and learn more about how to accelerate change within their communities. During two days the participants had the opportunity to improve their skills in areas like advocacy, communication or organisation, to network with policy makers and to meet with other young activists from all over Europe.