Trainers’ team is part of a bigger VVS volunteer team that are bringing this event to you! Trainers are working together with their coordinator on creation of workshops that they will facilitate at the event, as well as contributing to some of the thematic plenary moments. You will see their faces in some of your reflection groups – as they will be facilitating them as well! While they cannot wait to meet the participants, here is a chance to see our trainers introductions 🙂

trainers team vini


Hello human beings! I’m Vini and to be honest, it’s really hard to describe ourselves in a few words, but I’ll try. I live my life seeking new experiences, because I trully believe that the meaning of it all is to experience it all. AFS Gave me this opportunity around 8 years ago and ever since it’s continuosly giving new chances to be amazed about this world That we live and those That I Share it with. I’m from Brazil, but have been living in Portugal for the last 11 years. One of my favourite things is to learn and teach at the same time, that’s why I’m a Trainer during this VSS. I love long talks, to party, to hug, to dance and basically everything, so feel free to invite me for your fun things! I can’t wait to meet everyone and if you want a good icebreaker, just ask me about my dogs, I have thousands of pictures and love to show them all the time❤️❤️

Trainers team Steffi (Stefanie)


Hello lovely people, I am Steffi and am very excited to meet you all at this year’s VSS. This year will be my second year at VSS as part of the trainer’s team and I am looking forward to wonderful discussions with you. I am from Germany and have been volunteering since exchange year almost 16 years ago. I love to travel and hike. If pressed I can talk endlessly about my houseplants and urban vegetable gardening, so be forewarned.

Trainers Team Saadet_VSS


Selam & Hallo dear sunflowers, Here is Saadet from Turkey. My AFS journey started with my high school exchange in the US back in 2012. I’ve been volunteering since then, in love with AFS, with the wide ocean of opportunities to explore myself and the world, amazing people and experiences it provides. I have been living in Germany now for 5 years. I work as a change management consultant: helping people/companies navigate change successfully (or less painfully). I do belly dancing, I have a donkey and I love olives, Turkish coffee and dogs. I can’t wait to be a trainer in this year’s VSS and discover new perspectives with you!

Trainers team Lomme


I’m Lomme from Belgium. My AFS-adventure started a few years ago in Malaysia. Since then I try to participate in as many AFS events as possible, locally and internationally. I especially love to give presentations and workshops, and people really seem to enjoy them :blush: (so far no one has ran away…yet…). This year it’s time for me to bring a visit to the VSS and, as a trainer, try to teach you a thing or two. Looking forward to meet you all soon!

Trainers team Lisa


Hello dear people, my name is Lisa and I’ve been a volunteer and trainer with AFS for almost 15 years now – time flies when you’re having fun! I’m from Graz (Austria) where I also live now but have lived in a few different countries over time. I am a cat person (but have none), I like knitting in the winter, hiking in the summer and reading all year round. You’ll often find me barefoot and with a coffee or tea cup in my hand ☕

Trainers Team Lea


Hi everyone! My name is Lea and this year’s VSS will be my sixth! I’m very excited to meet you all 😃 I’ve been part of the AFS family for almost 15 years and currently I’m mostly giving trainings and coaching volunteer groups. In my private life, I design learning experiences for adults and before, I worked as an intercultural trainer. My passion topics are intercultural communication, experiential learning (online), outdoor sports and foooooood! I’m looking forward to this year’s VSS to meet old and new friends and to recharge my AFS batteries 🙂

Trainers Team Eric


Hej 👋 Eric here My jam this summer will be “Animal Spirits” by Vulpeck as we come together and make this the best VSS we possibly can. This will be my fourth VSS and of course the best one yet. I began my AFS journey in 2015 with a year-program exchange and since then I’ve been an active volunteer in Stockholm, Sweden where I’m born and raised. Really looking forward to sharing the VSS experience this summer with you in Reims and see what our workshops result in!

Trainers Team Karo


Hello everybody, my name is Karo and I come from Poland. I think that I’m the only Polish Karo in the team this year, so you’re in luck – won’t confuse me with anyone which tends to happen sometimes on other international AFS events 🙂 I have been with AFS since 2013 so this year marks my 10 year anniversary. This is my second VSS, both as a trainer and like ever, and I am looking forward to delivering my workshops to you, having wonderful and insightful discussions, and partying like you only can during VSS. Hope to see y’all in July in Reims❤️

Trainer team ema


~Hello, my name is Ema and I will be a trainer this year. I have been part of the AFS community since 2016, as a host family, participant, volunteer and coordinator. Currently I live in England where I work in a special school, but I have been planning to visit more countries soon. Traveling, summer, and AFS are some of my favourite things, and I am happy to be seeing you at this great event again.

Trainers Team Doruk


Hey everyone! I am Doruk. Between 2015 and 2016, I was hosted in Germany with AFS. Since being back in Turkey, I have been actively volunteering in many areas of AFS and EFIL. I currently reside in Munich, and I work as a consultant for a multinational software company. I enjoy being in nature, especially by the sea. My hobbies are swimming and sailing. I am really delighted and happy to meet you and share ideas about education for democratic citizenship in France this summer.