The synergy of youth civil society organisations and schools is key for bridging formal and non-formal education, for providing young people with more and better opportunities for learning and competence acquisition and for supporting school internationalisation.

In the past years, EFIL has been working on the implementation of several externally funded projects and strategic partnerships reinforcing our need and ability for cross-sectoral cooperation in the field of intercultural learning and global citizenship education.


Cooperation between schools and pupil mobility organisations through Erasmus+

In 2020, EFIL launched the project “Expanding Learning Mobility” together with AFS and school partners from France, Latvia, Spain and Belgium. The project aimed at exploring cooperation between schools and pupil mobility organisations within Erasmus+ to make mobility more inclusive by reaching young people with fewer opportunities. In 2022, a pilot was developed through which 6 students from the 4 partner countries had to opportunity to spend a trimester abroad.

Learn more

Teacher trainings

We offer opportunities to teachers and school leaders to become more interculturally aware and provide them with tools to develop intercultural competences in their pupils. Stay tuned for future training opportunities! 

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Forum on Intercultural Learning and Exchange (FILE)

The Forum on Intercultural Learning and Exchange is a bi-annual conference bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss issues relevant for educational exchange. It is sponsored by the Intercultura Foundation (Italy) and organised jointly with EFIL and AFS Intercultural Programs.

Read about past FILE conferences

Looking for more resources for teachers and schools?

Find more intercultural education resources for teachers and schools at the website

intercultural-learning website