Intercultural learning is at the core of the work of EFIL and its Member Organisations that strive to foster intercultural understanding among organisations and citizens in Europe and beyond.

Capitalising on knowledge, research, and experience of EFIL and its Member Organisations, EFIL works towards increasing inclusivity, diversification and quality of intercultural learning opportunities. To this end, EFIL is focusing on the following three specific strategic objectives under the Strategic Plan 2022-2025.

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Becoming the most competent knowledge resource on intercultural learning in Europe

Through renewed focus on research, EFIL aims at developing and profiling itself as the most competent point of research and knowledge resource on intercultural learning and pupil mobility in Europe. As one of a few European not-for-profit networks that has researched these areas, EFIL is in a favourable position for becoming a valued knowledge hub. Within this area of impact, EFIL’s research focuses on identifying and showcasing competencies and skills gained through intercultural learning opportunities, connecting the dots between personal growth and its impact on community. Particular emphasis is set on the impact of the work of AFS organisations towards the achievement of the institutional priorities in Europe.

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Strengthening intra-European co-operation between organisations and education institutions towards internationalisation of schools

We aim at tackling the observed deficiencies in practices, co-ordination, and monitoring of pupil mobility in Europe by positioning EFIL and its Member Organisations as the key facilitator and knowledge resource for education institutions and organisations in their joint efforts towards internationalisation of schools. Underpinning these efforts, we advocate and contribute towards the establishment of an European Observatory on Pupil Mobility that will gather relevant actors and foster their co-operation in improving inclusivity and quality of pupil mobility projects.

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Empowering our Member Organisations to diversify and improve their intercultural learning offer

EFIL utilises knowledge and partnerships to support Member Organisations in broadening their intercultural learning offer and improving its quality and sustainability. These efforts aim at profiling AFS as the first-class contributor in the area of intercultural learning; diversifying financial income of Members; and increasing the overall impact of their work from local to international level. EFIL does this by facilitating innovation and supporting Members to foster internationalisation of schools through Erasmus+ programme and the improved flagship student exchange programme PEACE; exchange knowledge, ideas, and best practices; participate in and design quality programmes and projects based on research and data analysis.

Intercultural Learning Community of Practice

EFIL coordinates the Intercultural Learning Community of Practice, a space aimed at enabling volunteers to support the cooperation between schools and civil society organisations by educating teachers on ICL.