Collaboration with Solidarity

EFIL is an umbrella organisation of AFS organisations in Europe. We work with diverse stakeholders, including our Member Organisations, institutions, governmental and nongovernmental organisations at European, EU, and regional levels, schools, and other intercultural organisations from around the globe. Aware that every one of our stakeholders has different opportunities and challenges depending on where they are and what resources they have, we commit to solidarity in our engagements. Collaborating with like-minded organisations and individuals we strive to reach alignment and unity around our shared interest and overall purpose.

Inclusive Diversity

Diversity will not make any difference without inclusion and at EFIL we appreciate the differences everyone brings. Not only would we like to see diversity around the table, we do everything in our power to every voice that matters.

Equality and Equity

At EFIL, we come from a place for equality, providing access to opportunities and resources for ALL; however, we are also aware that people have different needs and expectations depending on where they come from. Therefore, we also embrace equity to ensure our offerings and services are not only equal but also equitable for everyone.

Curiosity, Courage and Innovation

By each engagement, we trigger curiosity and learning and we leverage our learnings to ensure continuous growth and development across our Federation. We strive to create opportunities and spaces to apply our learnings to innovate and bring the best possible versions of what we can offer.