The final outputs on individual pupil mobility and its recognition across Europe developed by the “Expert Network on Recognition of outcomes of learning periods abroad in general secondary school” are out! You can access all the resources at the European Commission’s European School Education Platform.


These outcomes are the result of the precious contribution of an ad-hoc network led by EFIL consisting of 25 expert stakeholders from 15 EU countries, who worked in the period 2020-2021 to support the European Commission in helping Member states to advance automatic recognition. The initiative followed the adoption of the Council’s Recommendation on promoting automatic mutual recognition of qualifications and learning periods abroad in 2018, with the aim of supporting its implementation and ensuring learning periods abroad were recognised across all Member States.

You can now consult and access the new tools which target specifically policymakers involved in regulating individual pupil mobility and its recognition:

Read the Member States Analysis Read the Framework proposal

You will also find the already published outputs targeting school education professionals, pupils and their parents:

In line with our efforts of promoting automatic recognition of learning periods abroad, EFIL is also offering a Training for Teacher Trainers in Krakov in July aimed at providing a group of trainers with the tools to empower teachers in their own countries to recognise outcomes of learning periods abroad. We strongly believe that developing teachers’ skills in defining and assessing the competencies gained by pupils during their time abroad is crucial for enabling and promoting pupil mobility. Join now and become part of our international team of teacher trainers working to promote pupil mobility and its recognition! 

The training is part of the Erasmus+ Empowering Teachers for Automatic Recognition (ETAR) project, an international cross-sectoral partnership of universities, school networks, teacher associations and non-profit pupil exchange organisations aimed at implementing the European Council’s recommendation on automatic recognition adopted in 2018.

Advancing in the recognition of learning periods abroad is crucial to walk towards the European Education Area by 2025! We look forward to supporting any government and educational institution wishing to engage with automatic recognition.