From 21st to 24th November 2018 European Youth Forum (YfJ) held its General Assembly, this time in Novi Sad, Serbia, the European Youth Capital in 2019. The members of the Pool of representatives Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro (AFS Portugal) and Emilija Gargrcin (AFS Serbia/Germany) represented EFIL at the event.

To summarize this 3-day long event:

We were in total 217 delegates and 18 guests. We worked together for approximately 30 hours, submitted 100 amendments, and adopted 1 policy paper, 2 resolutions and 1 motion. We elected 1 new president of the YFJ, 8 new board members, 3 new members of the Financial Control Commission (FCC) and 4 new members of the Consultative Body for Membership Applications (CBMA), for the 2019-2020 mandate.

Woah! Let’s break this down!

Who got elected for what?

For Board Member we had 10 candidates for 4 NYC positions and 4 INGYO positions: Andrea Casamenti (ECYC), Carina Duerrschmied (EEE-YFU), Benjamin Günther (DNK), Jovana Majstorovic (YES), Silja Markkula (Allianssi), Rosalyn Old (WAGGGS), Christophe Origer (YEPP), Frédéric Piccavet (VJR), Michael Piccinino (KNZ) and Loes Rutten (AEGEE).

We elected Andrea Casamenti (ECYC), Benjamin Günther (DNK), Jovana Majstorovic (YES), Silja Markkula (Allianssi), Rosalyn Old (WAGGGS), Frédéric Piccavet (VJR), Michael Piccinino (KNZ) and Loes Rutten (AEGEE).

For Vice-President we had 2 candidates for 1 NYC position and 1 INGYO position: Tina Hočevar (MSS) and Ville Majamaa (WOSM).

Both candidates were elected.

For President we had 2 candidates:Kristen Aigro (ENL) and Carina Autengruber (ÖJV).

Carina Autengruber (ÖJV) was elected.

EFIL congratulates all the elected members and wishes the best for the upcoming mandate.

We voted on…

  • Policy paper: 10 ideas to #YouthUp the next European Elections

The European Youth Forum’s Policy Platform for the European Elections 2019 will act as the basis for the European Youth Forum and its Member Organisations to advocate for youth-friendly politics and policies in the European elections in 2019. (Read it here).

  • A motion on combating Anti-Semitism
    Anti-Semitism reflects deep-rooted prejudice in society against Jews, which will only be overcome by increased awareness-raising efforts among the population and strong political condemnation. Historically, manifestations of anti-Semitism have shown how prejudice and intolerance can lead to systematic harassment, discrimination and ultimately mass killings and genocide. Still today, persisting stereotypes, insults and physical violence are experienced on a daily basis by members of the Jewish community across Europe. (Read it here.)
  • A resolution for fair remuneration of creators and a free internet
    The European Youth Forum commits to defend both fair remuneration for young creators as well as the internet as a public space freely accessible for all young people in Europe. These two do not exclude each other. The proposal of the European Commission for a new copyright directive, without ensuring fair remuneration for creators, poses a threat to the internet as we know it. (Read it here.)
  • A resolution on the right to conscientious objection to military service in Europe
    This resolution seeks to draw attention to the rights’ violations faced by young conscientious objectors to military service and to contribute to ending these violations by calling on all European States to review their policies to ensure they are in line with the rights covered in the resolution. Furthermore,  the  resolution  seeks  to  honor  the  worthy  and  useful  contribution  that  the  conscientious  objectors performing an alternative unarmed and nonviolent civilian service bring to the wellbeing of vulnerable groups and to the entire social fabric, and more in general as a young contribution to peace processes and conflict prevention and resolution. (Read it here.)

European Youth Capital

The European Youth Capital (EYC) is a competition coordinated by the YfJ. Every November at YfJ General Assembly (GA) or Council of Members (COMEM) we find out the result of another upcoming EYC.

For 2018 we had Cascais (Portugal), 2019 we have Novi Sad (Serbia), 2020 Amiens (France)…. and in 2021… (drums)  Klaipėda (Lithuania).

The good thing about this competition is that it is all about Youth. Many events are held in this cities during their EYC year and there will be a momentum for Youth Policies improvement.

We very much look forward to have the chance to visit these cities for the upcoming YfJ events.

More info here.


Photo by European Youth Forum

Group picture with delegates from INGYOs pertaining to the exchange group (TEJO, Alliance, ESN, EFIL, AEGEE, Y-E-N, YEU, EEE-YFU)

Dennis from the European Union of Deaf Youth giving us input about sign language