On 26-28 September 2018 AFS Intercultural Programs has organised its first Global conference, gathering 450 leading educators, researchers, business leaders and policy makers from 70 countries to explore the theme “Global Competence: Our Future, Our Responsibility”. EFIL has supported AFS International in shaping and promoting this event, by bringing in two content partners such as CONCORD Europe, the EU platform of development NGOs, and the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), and representatives from the European Commission – DG Education and Culture.  The overall goal of the conference was to showcase promising and practical evidence-based solutions and strategies—and connect the innovators and implementers behind them with the resources needed to bring their visions to scale.

The keynote speech was given by Andreas Schleicher from OECD, an important institution for the promotion of global competence worldwide given their work on it in relation to the PISA testing. The two day event was filled with parallel workshops where participants had the opportunity to build active partnerships and coalitions that will transform how we educate people to successfully navigate, collaborate and thrive in a complex diverse world.

EFIL’ Head of Advocacy Elisa Briga facilitated two panels at the AFS Global conference: Policies and Funding Lines For Global Competence and Developing Global competence through online interaction and reflection, where Erasmus Virtual Exchanges, the SENTIO Global competence certificate and EFIL’s project ‘DICE’ have been presented.

The next edition of the Global Conference will take place in Montreal, Canada on 9-11 October 2019 and it will explore the topic ‘Active Global Citizenship — and How to Educate for It’. For getting updates on the event, click here.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org