This year the LLLPlatform Annual Conference and GA took place in Vienna, Austria on 5-6 July under the theme ‘Lifelong Learning Culture – A Partnership for Rethinking Education’. EFIL’s former Chair and Board member Ekaterina Bagdasarova attended the event and also took the chance to present EFIL’s project ‘Intercultural Learning for Pupils and Teachers’ in the Gallery Walk.

At the General Assembly new Steering Committee members have been elected: Valentina Pomatto (EEE-YFU), Tamara Gojkovic (YEU), Lucie Susova (SOLIDAR) and Laurentiu Bunescu (All Digital). The Steering Committee elected Gina Ebner (EAEA) as President.

Moreover, two new organisations joined the LLLPlatform: the European Digital learning Network (DLearn) as full member and the Mediterranean Universities Union (UNIMED) as associate member. The platform now counts a total of 43 members (28 full members and 15 associate members).

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