On 14 – 18 October 2017 EFIL partnered with three other like minded organisations at the European Youth Centre in Budapest for a study session. The organisations are EEE-YFU, Experiment e.V. and CISV international. The common ground these organisations have with EFIL is the common mission of creating a more just and peaceful world and the similarity among the programmes they offer. All of the four organisations organise intercultural educational opportunities involving short and long term mobility programmes for youth and are driven by volunteers.

The EFIL participants at the study session

The EFIL participants at the study session



The study session had the title “Youth work for intercultural dialogue: online and in-person encounters” and brought together 18 participants and 4 preparatory team members for four days of non-formal activities, brainstorming and project building. EFIL’s representative on the preparatory team was Alma Dóra Ríkarðsdóttir (our VSS 2017 intern). The participants were key volunteers and staff members of the four networks who had experience with the topics discussed and a multiplying role in their national and international organisation. Along with the preparatory team the session was organised and facilitated by an educational adviser from the European Youth Centre, Anca Ruxandra Pandea. Two experts were invited to add different perspectives and contribute their expertise. The experts were Svenja Ottovordemgentschenfelde, PhD. in Media and Communication, and Luca Janka Lázló from Let´s Help Together association.

Social media connections of the participants

Social media connections of the participants

The main aim of the study session was to exchange and learn good practices of online and blended learning for intercultural learning. Together the participants explored how online and in person intercultural encounters are connected and can support and complement each other. They also discussed the role of social media, the opportunities their organisations have online and worked on projects to take back to their home organisations.

All participants and team members of the study session

All participants and team members of the study session

We are excited to see what our participants will take back to their organisations and implement in their volunteer work. A written report will be out soon with more detail about the session. The first outcomes of the study session has been presented during a joint event of EFIL and EEE-YFU during the Lifelong Learning Week in Brussels on 22 November.