

From January 16‒27, 2017, InterCultur (the non-profit subsidiary of AFS Germany) and Jacobs University are again offering the Winter Academy on Intercultural Competence in Bremen, Germany. The Winter Academy on Intercultural Competence will not only impart theoretical frameworks regarding intercultural learning, but also practical competencies and knowledge, to enable participants to work as intercultural trainers themselves in the future.

Therefore, all courses will include workshop sessions with complementary theoretical and practical content offered by academic staff and trainers which are experts with large experience in international environments. This collaboration will bridge the gap between theory and practice and will ensure the best training results.

The Winter Academy addresses people who are interested in teaching intercultural competence themselves. Such as:

  • students with an intercultural area of studies or/and their own international experiences, who would like to pass their theoretical knowledge through practical training events;
  • trainers, who have already gathered experience and would like to start working in an intercultural context;
  • young professionals and/or multipliers, who are committed or devoted to intercultural learning, e.g. teachers or practitioners in the field of international youth work.

After participating in the entire duration of the Winter Academy (10 course days), participants will be awarded the certificate “Intercultural Trainer” issued by Jacobs University and InterCultur.

Enrolled students have the opportunity to obtain 5 European Credit Points (ECTS) for participating in the first 7 course days.

The Winter Academy offers a great opportunity for AFS volunteers and staff who are involved in (intercultural) training activities in their organisation.

Benefits for the AFS network

For the AFS network the Winter Academy offers several unique possibilities:

  • AFS volunteers and staff can use this opportunity for developing their organisations as well as for their own further education;
  • participants can benefit from the international composition of the Winter Academy (we expect participants from at least 10 different countries);
  • undergraduate students can obtain five European Credit Points for their participation;
  • AFS volunteers and staff will be trained for conducting intercultural training events themselves and be awarded a university certificate;
  • AFS’ contribution to the Winter Academy will be part of our ongoing commitment of becoming one of the leaders in intercultural education;
  • AFS can demonstrate its broad competencies on a university level.

Please see the attachment for more information or visit

If you have any questions regarding the programme, please feel free to contact Barbara Langholf (
