On 29-31 October the VI Forum on Intercultural Learning and Exchange will be held in Colle Val d’Elsa hosted by Fondazione Intercultura, in cooperation with EFIL and AFS Intercultural Programs. The event will gather about sixty researchers and practitioners around the topic The school assessment of the intercultural learning of pupils during and after individual exchanges abroad. Confirmed speaker is Martyn Barrett from Surrey University cooperating with the Council of Europe on the framework for assessment of intercultural competences. Good practices will be presented by Melissa Liles from AFS International, Mattia Baiutti – PhD researcher University of Rome, Sebastien Thierry from the Agence Erasmus+ France, Education and Training, Holger Nagel Head of Hellenstein-Gymnasium in Heidenheim, Germany, and by a representative from a secondary-school in Asia (tbd).

The Forum will be attended also by 10 representatives of secondary-schools in Europe and beyond, namely from Germany, Czech Republic, Norway, Iceland, Russia, Portugal, Italy and India.

Confirmed experts attending are representatives from the Council of Europe, European School Head Association, Asia Society, AFS Educational Council, Prue Holmes from Durham University and Joyce Osland from San José University. Representatives from OECD, UNESCO, the European Commission, International Schools Research Network and International Baccalaureate have also been invited.

EFIL is now recruiting 25 participants among practitioners in the field of intercultural learning and exchange.

If you are interested in registering, please send an email to elisa.briga@afs.org.