
The EU structured dialogue with young people is a process of consultation with young people on EU policy making in the field of education and youth, led by the EU Council. The process is divided in 18 months cycles. The fifth cycle has just started under the Trio Presidency of The Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta with the topic ‘Enabling All Young People to Engage in a Diverse, connected and inclusive Europe – Ready for life, ready for society’.

The new cycle started with a new architecture, in line with the Council Resolution “Overview of the Structured Dialogue process including the social inclusion of young people”, of 20 May 2014, which introduced a one and a half year cycle that focuses on only one thematic priority. The resolution enables the EU Youth Conference (EUYC) to set the guiding framework, launching the consultation while before these was set by the Trio Presidency.

For the past year, the Steering Committee of the Structured Dialogue with Youth has revised the structure of the process based on the evaluation of the last cycle and came up with a new architecture to implement at the first Youth Conference of the cycle in Amsterdam, April 2016. You can read the outcome here.


At the event we could find some EFIL faces like Eliza Popper (facilitator from the YFJ Pool of Trainers), Iina Sorvari (representing the Finish NYC) and Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro (EFIL representative for the EU Structured Dialogue with Youth).

After several thematic group discussions, field work and some joy, the Guiding questions for the consultation are:

1) What changes in society are you concerned about and what do you need to be able to adapt to such changes? What would make you feel more secure?

2) What would help you connect more and build trust with people from a different cultural, social, economic, religious background than yours?

3) What can be done to avoid the stigmatization of vulnerable young people and provide them with equal opportunities in society?

4) What do you think makes you feel that you belong to a local community, to society, to Europe?

5) What competences would help you when you are facing difficult situations?

6) What would you need to fully realize your potential and help others to realize theirs?


Soon the EFIL questionnaire will be out for consultation.


For more information: alexandra.ruivocordeiro@gmail.com