AFS Bosnia and Herzegovina has a new leadership, elected at the General Assembly in Sarajevo. Mila Majstorovic will be the new President of the Organisation, whileAljosa Preradovic takes up the position as Chair. Neira Milavica took over the role of Programme Manager and is replacing Nadina Muslic. A special thank you was expressed to Inga Menke (EFIL) and Dominik Scherrer (AFS INT) who were invited as special guests at the General Assembly.  Note that the office address has changed: Hamdije Krusevljakovica 61, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina



Charlotte Backx, Programme Coordinator at AFS Belgium Flanders will be on maternity leave until the beginning of September. All questions concerning programme management should be directed to

After the great success of the third Green Academy in February 2014, AFS Germany is very pleased to again offer a programme for 2015. The programme will take place in Heilbronn from 9 July to 9 August 2015. The Green Academy is an intensive learning programme including a one month home stay in German host families. It is loaded with workshops on sustainability from intercultural perspectives, as well as a German language course and an attractive leisure programme. The Academy will be held in English. On-Arrival and pre-departure orientation camps are organised by AFS Germany. For impressions from the 2014 event, consult the Blog at: The application deadline will be 31 January 2015, but placements will be granted on a first come first served basis. For any questions and concerns, please get back to

AFS France held its General Assembly from 17-18 May in Nancy where a new Board has been elected.  Saman Hosseini who has been acting as Vice-Chair for the past 2 years took up the position as Chair.  Saman participated in a school programme in the US and was an AFS Student on an 18+ programme from Germany to France.  He has been a volunteer for AFS France for the past 6 years. You can reach him at

AFS Croatia – Globus, held its General Assembly on 10 May when the new Board was elected. The new Chair is Corrina Rus, Vice-Chair is Iva Filipec, and 3 new members are: Ana – Klaudija Štilinović (Stilinovich), Toni Požar (Pozar) and Iva Olujić (Olujich).

From AFS Czech Republic comes the news that the Sending Coordinator Zuzana Burgerova has lef in June. Tereza Strmiskova has taken over the position. Tereza has an educational background in political science and Spanish language. She is coming to AFS from the Ministry of Environment. You can reach Tereza at:

Johan Fohlström, the Sending Coordinator of AFS Sweden has left the organisation. Marcel Grüninger, Programme Director, will handle the sending coordination with the help from Jenny Eriksson. Viveka Wikström will be responsible for the support work.

From AFS Switzerland comes the news that Valerie Brockhaus, Hosting Admission Coordinator, is back in the office after her maternity leave.  Irene Schärer, Valerie’s former maternity cover, is continuing working for AFS Switzerland as Hosting Admission Assistant on Thursdays only. A new e-mail address has been created:

Amanda Felber, the Hosting Support Coordinator for the German Region, left the organisation at the end of April. Johann Kupeczki, Amanda’s successor has already started on 15 April to ensure a smooth transition. His e-mail address is:

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