We are happy to report that the yearly EFIL Training for Trainers took place 16-25 July in Jahorina, Bosnia&Herzegovina, enjoying already for the 5th time the synergy with the Volunteer Summer Summit (VSS). The idea, which proves very valuable, is that the participants acquire new competences in the first half of the event and then, towards the end of the week, prepare and run “practice training sessions” for the VSS participants. This way not only can they try out their trainer skills but also a large number of other AFS volunteers can benefit from the delivered content.

The 2014 edition of the Training gathered 24 participants and 5 trainers from 18 countries, to focus diversity and inclusion in training and in AFS in general. The trained participants are expected to become the key trainers in their countries, sharing the expertise with other volunteers. The programme included therefore both discussions and input on diversity topics, as well as sessions focused on basic trainer competences.

A huge credit for the outcomes of the event goes to the preparatory trainer team: Anders Belling from AFS Denmark/AFS Netherlands, Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro from AFS Portugal, Ole Oberste Berghaus from AFS Germany/AFS Sweden and Atanas Genkov – an external trainer from Bulgaria, supported by Izabela Jurczik-Arnold from the EFIL Secretariat.

Finally, we should not forget the work of the hosting organisation, AFS Bosnia&Herzegovina, who not only found the venue for the training in the picturesque Olympic centre in Jahorina but also managed to combine the hosting tasks for both the Training for Trainers and the Volunteer Summer Summit at the same time.

The project was supported by the Youth in Action programme of the European Union.

For questions please contact izabela.jurczik-arnold@afs.org.

VDIA Group photo