As you might have read in previous editions of EFILife, EFIL is taking part in the project “Time to be Welcome”, coordinated by the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM). “Time to be welcome” encourages young volunteers and Youth Organisations in Europe to support the welcoming of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees, and their integration process in the new community through the use of non-formal education and youth work.

The project is co-funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + Programme KA3 – Support for policy reform and Social Inclusion.


The “Time to be Welcome” partners met in Paris on 17-19 April to discuss the project progress and notably to plan the activities for current and new volunteers during the upcoming months.

TTBW_Paris group photo

Project partner meeting in Paris


Currently, two AFS-sent volunteers are on the ground in the project: Josephine Billedo Malvar from AFS Germany volunteering in Paris, France, since September 2017 and Clelia Marri from AFS Italy volunteering in Athens, Greece, since January 2018. Please find here some impressions from their experience.

In addition, we also had Somayeh Khawari from AFS Finland who spent 2 months in Athens earlier this year, and now we are recruiting four further volunteers who will go to Thessaloniki and Kavala (Greece) for 2 months this June. Within their stay, they will develop and implement a summer day camp for children with educational and leisure activities led by volunteers. The children will be both refugees and local Greeks, and the activities will include workshops on such topics as human rights, intercultural learning, peace education, sustainability, as well as sports, arts and crafts, dance, cooking, chess and more.

Please find attached the Call for volunteers – the deadline to apply is the 17th of May.

Call for Volunteers ROUND 3 – Greece



Find out more about the project on or by contacting