The preparation for the 10th Edition of the EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit, to take place in Hellishólar, Iceland from 13 to 18 August has begun. Registrations are now open and the call for participants can be downloaded on the VSS website

The first deadline for registration is 5 March and the final deadline to register is 23 April. We recommend you to sign up as soon as possible to ensure a spot at the one of the biggest AFS gatherings in Europe and cheaper travelling options!

The Team

In planning this year VSS we are happy to work with a talented and highly motivated team of volunteers. The selection of prep team and support team is now closed and the trainers team will be selected shortly. By following the VSS website and reading the next Heralds, you will be able to get to know each person in the team better.

The Preparatory meeting

Just a month ago the prep team met at the venue, Hellishólar, in the south of Iceland, to draft the objectives and agenda of this year’s VSS.

At the venue we talked about our expectations and fears (#volcanos), we discussed about the theme, about what equal opportunities means to us, about our aims for the event, we worked on the programme and we decided on our many next steps leading up to the VSS in August.

As we worked and we planned and we spoke we got to know each other better and fell in love with our host country that has so much to offer to make this Summer Summit meaningful. We know there are challenges ahead but while in one part of the world a new era of politics was inaugurated, and we don’t know yet what changes that will bring, in Iceland we were committing to make this a thought provoking event that will renew our rejection of and work against the politics of hate and discrimination.

 Stay tuned!

On the Herald, VSS’ very own newsletter, you can find the complete story of the Prep meeting and much more. The first edition of 2017 will soon be out. To  always be up to date with the VSS news also follow us on social media such as Instagram (@efilvss) and Facebook (EFIL Volunteer Summer Summit).

Looking forward to seeing you in Iceland!

Your prep,

Alma Dora Rikardsdottir and Jenný Larentsinusdottir (AFS ISL) as Home Office Liaisons and Support Team Coordinators, Emilija Gagrčin (AFS SRB/GER) as Trainers Coordinator, Gert Lucas (AFS GER) as IT Manager, Inga Menke (EFIL) as Team Coordinator, Massimiliano Verri (AFS SUI) as PR and Plenary Coordinator, Mira Wold (AFS NOR) as PR and Design Coordinator, and Valentina Milanese (EFIL/AFS ITA) as EFIL Intern.

For more:

January - VSS prep team meeting