EFIL’s European Pool of Representatives is a group of 15 AFS volunteers from EFIL members that represent EFIL at external events and in Platforms. This Pool was initiated back in 2011 and has a mandate of two years. Every other year it is reviewed in order to replace members withdrawing.

The Pool has just welcomed 5 new members and now counts 15 volunteers from 10 different countries. The 5 new EPORies will attend a mandatory online course on EFIL’s Advocacy to get prepared for their external representation role.

The online course will run from 14 to 22 March and is open also for EFIL Advocacy Liaisons – the people appointed by each Member Organisation to liaise with EFIL on matters of Advocacy.

Within the EPOR there is a ‘Core group’ formed by the ones that hold permanent representative positions, plus EFIL’s Advocacy coordinator. The current permanent representative positions are the one towards the European Youth Forum (Alexandra Singpie l- AFS Germany), the one for the EU structured dialogue with young people (Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro – AFS Portugal), the one towards the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe (Viktoria Bedo – AFS France/Hungary), and  the representative elected within the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe (Charlotte Klinting – AFS Denmark). The EPOR core group will meet in person on 22-24 May in Strasbourg, just after the European Youth Event.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org