256 participants from 20 countries are now on their European Citizenship Trimester Programme in 24 countries! This is nearly a 100 participants increase compared to last year’s edition and we are happy to welcome Iceland and Egypt as new hosting countries.

Some participants are sharing their great experiences on blogs.

The preparatory team had a successful meeting in Brussels at the beginning of July where innovations to the ECTP Brussels Camp programme were discussed.

For the closing Camp in Brussels, we have selected a great team of volunteers from all over Europe . One of this year’s innovations is an online training for ECTP volunteers: during the month of September, they attended enthusiastically a course on European and Active Citizenship which we hope will contribute to further improve the already high standards of the workshops offered at the Camp.

This year, thanks to the support of the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, we will also have 4 staff members from Germany, Hungary, Russia and Sweden present at the ECTP Brussels Camp to support and learn more about it.










For more Elisa.Briga@afs.org