The core group of EFIL’s Pool of Representatives is composed by the EPORies that hold permanent positions of representations towards specific Plaforms and Institutions and EFIL’s Advocacy Coordinator. In 2015 the core group is composed by Alexandra Singpiel, EFIL representative to the European Youth Forum, Charlotte Klinting-EFIL representative to the EU structured dialogue with young people, and Elisa Briga.

EPOR core group photo

As from 2015 EFIL Business plan foresees an annual in-person meeting of this group in order to coordinate EFIL Advocacy towards the most relevant bodies and processes. EFIL’s General Assembly in Budapest offered the great chance to have this first meeting, allowing for our core external representatives to meet National boards and National directors during the session on Advocacy.

After the GA, on 16 and 17th May, Alexandra, Charlotte and Elisa had finally the chance to sit together for one day and a half to discuss the upcoming advocacy actions, the management of the EPOR and how to improve the cooperation among the bodies of EFIL’s Advocacy. The input received during EFIL’s General Assembly by members was a key contribution to the EPOR core group discussions and resulted in an update of the document which is the basis of the cooperation between EFIL secretariat, EPOR and the Advocacy Liaisons in EFIL member organisations.

The EPOR core group also discussed the potential of EFIL’s mandate in the Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe in 2016-2017 and the topic of the EU structured dialogue with young people for 2016.

This meeting inaugurated a new phase of EFIL’s Advocacy marked by stronger cooperation and strategic approach in planning our advocacy actions and external representation.

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The EPOR core group at the European parliament during the training ‘Exchange Voices!’ – from the left to the right, Elisa Briga (EFIL), Alexandra Singpiel (AFS Germany), Charlotte Klinting (AFS Denmark)