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The second PEACE seminar took place from 2-9 December 2017 in Malle, Belgium and brought together 15 European and Asian project participants from 14 countries. The participants used the time in Malle to catch up on the work done since they last met in New Delhi, India and to develop the content of the final camp for the future PEACE Program. For inspiration, the PEACE participants were able to join parts of the ECTP camp.

A large part of the seminar was dedicated to work on finalising concrete content for the programme. In addition, participants were able to visit the Museum of European History and the city centre of Brussels. Some fine-tuning is still needed, but we hope to be ready to start the first pilot phase of this ambitious programme in January when the first round of Asian participants start their 3-month exchange in Europe.

Overall, this project has been a very good exercise of cooperation between Asians and Europeans with a lot of personal learning which will hopefully lead to closer cooperation between both continents in the near future.



The two last days of the seminar were joined by the PEACE Steering Group. The task of this meeting was to assess where we stand, ensure that project partners get informed about the progress and plan the final camp taking place in Brussels at the end of the 3-month stay. Sadly, Divya was not able to join this meeting due to personal reasons. She was dearly missed and we are looking forward to working with her again next year in Brussels.

Members of the PEACE Steering Group are: Divya Arora (AFS India), Armieyah (Mae) Ayob (AFS Philippines), Katharina Schulze-Herking (AFS Germany), Inga Menke (EFIL) and Paul Claes (EFIL).