The Recognise Study Abroad campaign has been revived after the summer, thanks to the full support of the Youth Intergroup of the European Parliament,  a new champion- MEP Emilian Pavel– and a revised Question for oral debate which takes into account the latest policy developments.

In fact, in the summer MEP Victor Negrescu, the first champion of the campaign, has left the European Parliament to become the Minister of European affairs in Romania. Due to these changes, the original question for oral debate for which the 40 signatures had been collected, was not discussed at the Plenary in September.

However, as announced, we are glad that the topic keeps receiving support and now more than ever is the time to discuss the topic in the EP Plenary. In fact with the latest developments announced in the European Commission’s Communication ‘Strenghtening European identity through education and culture’ , the recognition of study periods abroad is high on the EU agenda. The new question for oral debate builds on these new developments and urges the European Commission to go beyond the recognition of school diplomas, and recognise school study periods abroad based on the best practice of Italy and Austria.


In January, MEP Emilian Pavel and MEP Julie Ward will collect signatures of MEPs to support the question for oral debate.

We are looking forward to contribute as experts in the discussions among the EU institution on the recognition of study periods abroad

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