The Recognise Study Abroad Campaign is continuing and it is gathering support from policy makers!

At the European Youth Event on Saturday 21 May, the campaign was presented at the Roundtable ‘Let’s Talk Recognition’. The event was opened by MEP Julie Ward – who drafted the EP report on the role of intercultural dialogue, cultural diversity and education in promoting EU fundamental valuesand facilitated by EFIL (Elisa Briga).  After that, Youth for Exchange and Understanding (Tamara Gojkovic) and Erasmus Student Network (Max de Boer) presented their best practices for recognition of non formal education and volunteering. Then Marta Medlinska from the EU-CoE youth partnership provided an overview  of the European legislation in this field. Finally EEE-YFU (Valentina Pomatto) presented the campaign ‘Recognise Study Abroad’. Finally, MEP Ulrike Lunacek concluded the event through a video message providing her support to the campaign and her personal experience as exchange student with AFS.

let's talk recognition panel

graphic recording, let's talk recognition

Since mid-June the website is online and includes a presentation of the campaign and its promoters, best practices on recognition and the possibility to endorse it publicly. At the same time, letters to European policy makers were sent, with the invitation to support the campaign through the website.

So far, we have the support of:

  • Julie Ward, Member of the European Parliament
  • Mercedes Bresso, Member of the European Parliament
  • Eva Paunova, Member of the European Parliament
  • Brando Benifei, Member of the European Parliament
  • Milan Zver, Member of the European Parliament
  • Vladimir Garko, Policy Officer at the European Commission, School Unit
  • Wout Van Caimere, Coordinator of the Youth Intergroup, European Parliament
  • We also have the support of other European NGOs, such as the Erasmus Student NetworkAEGEE and FIMCAP

You can contribute to the campaign by:

–          visiting and promoting the website

–          liking the Facebook page  and posting there your personal story about recognition of the exchange year.

For more information: