We are glad to announce that on 31 May an important step towards recognition of study abroad was made: MEP Victor Negrescu, a member of the European Parliament who strongly supports the cause of ‘Recognise Study Abroad’, officially registered a Question (rule 128 of the European Parliament) to openly debate the issue of recognition of school study periods abroad in a plenary session. The debate is foreseen after the summer break.

40 signatures were needed to table the question: we reached the target, thanks to a very good cooperation with EEE-YFU! Here you find the list of the MEPs who signed.

Now we need to make sure that MEPs are well prepared to discuss the topic in the Plenary, therefore we have put together this document with the reasons why recognising school study periods abroad is important. If you also support Recognise Study Abroad, disseminate this document!

recognise study abroad

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org