
Next year EFIL will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Volunteer Summer Summit. The VSS will take place from 13-18 August 2017 in Iceland and we invite you already now to save the dates. Next year’s theme will be “Equal Opportunities”.

Even though we are still writing the report of the VSS 2016, we are already concentrating on the preparations for the VSS in Iceland. Around Christmas we will know if the project will receive funding from the Coucil of Europe – let’s keep our fingers crossed! In January the kick-off meeting of the freshly selected preparatory team will take place in Iceland. You will be able to read about it in the next edition of EFILife.

The preparatory team consists of Alma Dóra Ríkarðsdóttir and Jenný Lárentsínusdóttir from AFS Iceland as the Office liaison person in the host country and the Support Team coordinator. They will share these two tasks. We’re happy that Gert Lucas from AFS Germany will once again be the IT expert. PR and Plenaries will be taken care of by Massimiliano Verri, volunteer from AFS Switzerland. PR and Design will be done once again by Mira Wold from AFS Norway. The Trainers’ Coordinator is Emilija Gagrčin from AFS Serbia/Germany. Representing EFIL in the team, there will be Inga Menke (EFIL staff member) and Valentina Milanese (EVS Intern).

The team has already had its first skype call and is excited to start working for a great 10th VSS in Iceland, where we hope to meet many of you!


Photo: ©EFIL