Photo for VGOV

Every other year the AFS national board members are given the opportunity to attend a training on governance and leadership issues, organised by EFIL. This time it will take place in Krakow, 20 till 24/25 August 2014, hosted by AFS Poland.

The seminar will focus on leadership in the specific AFS board context, the skills needed to lead a volunteer network and the role of an AFS board member. Among the specific topics to be tackled in this edition, strategic planning and fund-raising for boards can be mentioned. Next to these contents, this year an optional additional opportunity is offered: an extra training day entirely focused on the AFS Intercultural Link Learning Program content, run by AFS International.

The preparatory trainer team of the project includes a range of AFS profiles and experiences: Jan Van Keirsbilck – Board Chair of AFS Belgium Flanders, Ragnar Thorvardarson – Board Chair of AFS Iceland and Board Member of EFIL, Eva Vitkova – AFS International Educator Relations & Strategy Specialist and former Board Chair of AFS Czech Republic, Izabela Jurczik-Arnold – Senior Training & Project Coordinator of EFIL. They have started the preparations already, so the event programme is slowly taking shape.

The registrations of the participants are now being concluded and we are happy to welcome as many as 25 participants, from 18 European AFS organisations and Mexico. With this size and diversity of the group, the learning, sharing and discussing promises many dimensions and outcomes!

For more information: