In each edition of EFILife, we dedicate some space to partner news, including personnel changes as well as relevant events that have taken place over the past months.


AFS Spain announces the following staff changes: Olga García de Bustos, Sending Coordinator for more than 8 years became the Training and Development CoordinatorRocio Varas took over the role as Sending Coordinator after having been Programme Assistant for the past two years.

Following the General Assembly of AFS Denmark a new Chair has been elected. Amalie Ferdinand has stepped down since she has been appointed to the Board of Trustees. New Chair is Ebbe Jørgensen, the former Vice-Chair. New Vice-Chairs are Marie Louise Jacobs and Andreas Mønsted.

The new Board of AFS Austria is composed of: Gernot Winter, Chair; Chris Maitz, Vice-Chair; Wolfgang Nowatschek, Treasurer; Bernd Andersson; Sebastian Diem; Ines Donabaum; Alex Duscher; Reinhard Pilz; Marie Schratzer; Manuela Schuetzl.

AFS Belgium French has elected a new Board. Matthieu Henkens has taken on the position of Chair and replaces Geraldine Roos, who remainsa  Board Member. Two new Board Members have joined the Board: Yves Gheysen and Helene Jadot.

The new Board of AFS Sweden is composed of: Margareta Neld, Chair; Hans Fahlin; Kristina Falk Strand; Karin Franzén Bohman; Sofia Heidenberg; Annika Kreipke; Karin Lindmark; Felix Rosén.

Charlotte Rydh, the National Director of AFS Sweden has decided to leave AFS. She will take on a role as Secretary-General for the Swedish Fundraising Association as of 1 September this year. Charlotte has been serving as National DIrector for almost four years during a period of important developments in the Swedish organisation. The organisation thanks Charlotte for her contributions during these years which have helped Sweden to make a turn-around and move ahead.

At the beginning of April AFS Czech Republic celebrated its 20th Anniversary. The celebrations took two days and included several conferences and a ball with around 300 guests. AFS Czech Republic commemorated the past and celebrated the future together with the following international guests: Chair of the Board of Trustees Christian Werle, AFS President Vincenzo Morlini,  and Jatta Erlund of the EFIL Board.

Furthermore the Czech AFS office announces that the Sending Coordinator Tereza Strmiskova has decided to leave AFS. The new Sending Coordinator Zdenka Vostrovska has already started in her new position.

AFS Serbia recently organised its annual three-day national training event for volunteers in Kovacica, a village in Vojvodina not too far from Belgrade. There were 21 volunteers from all parts of the country. This year’s topics were the new AFS Student Learning Journey Curriculum and the presentation of AFS programmes to various audiences. It was noted by all volunteers that the level of knowledge and competences in the volunteer structure is increasing every year, which raises the level of training and development events in Serbia.


AFS Tunisia is looking for 20 young volunteers (18+) from the AFS Network for its International Summer Camp to take place from 13-30 July 2016 in Djerba. The camp consists of supporting the restoration of an ancient familial Djerban domain listed on the national heritage. For further information please contact:, or contact Ines Ben Attiaat inesbenattia13@gmail.comThe deadline for submitting applications is 20 May 2016.                   

The fifth edition of Spectrum of Education (SOE) took place between 13-17 April 2016 in Istanbul. AFS Turkey’s staff and volunteers were honored to host 47 educators from 23 partner countries in this year.


AFS Finland office has moved to a new location in Kamppi, Helsinki.  The new address is:
Malminrinne 1 B, 4th floor, 00180 Helsinki.

AFS Hungary has recently moved to a new office. It was just the last step in the office change project, which started in last August. The address in Global Link has not yet been modified, since the official address remains the same until the change is registered at the court. Once it is done the update will follow in Global Link.

HUN office