
EFIL is project partner of an Erasmus+ funded project aimed at the recognition of competences from youth mobility through the innovative system of Open badges. The project is called ‘EBA- European Badge Alliance’ and it has kicked off at the first partnership meeting on 15-16  December 2015 in Forli, Italy, hosted by the leading partner UNISER, a cooperative running mobility programmes mainly in the field of Vocational Education and Training. Other project partners represent different sectors of youth mobility such as Youth exchange Umbrella Ass. Juvenil (Portugal), Semper Avanti (Poland), Associazione Emiliano-Romagnola Centri Autonomi – AECA (Italy),  Lietuvos neformaliojo ugdymo asociacija – LINA (Lithuania), and expertise in the drafting and issuing of Open badges, namely Badgecraft and Politecnico of Milan.To know more about the project, check this EFILife article.

The second meeting took place in Brussels on 21-22 March, hosted by EFIL. The project team worked well together and advanced the project’s work, even though on the second day of the meeting we sadly witnessed the terrorist attacks in Brussels which had an impact on our state of mind and logistical arrangements.

During the meeting we analysed the mapping of the competences developed by young people taking part in the variety of mobility programmes offered by the organisations in the project partnership. It was then defined which badge systems to develop, how and when to test them and how to develop the Badgecraft platform further in order for young people to be able to upload their badges/competences easily on their CVs. EFIL will develop together with project partners the badges of long-term pupil mobility and for volunteers mentoring pupils in mobility. The badge system will be tested within the European Citizenship Trimester Programme 2016.

The next meeting will take place in Bologna on 24-25 October 2016 and will be hosted by AECA. The main focus will be the testing of badges.

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