On 10 June, European Commissioners Thyssen and Katainen announced the adoption of a new and comprehensive Skills Agenda for Europe, officially launched on 20 June in Brussels. The aim of this new policy framework is to ensure that the right training, skills and support is available to European Union citizens and to equip them for good-quality jobs and help them fulfil their potential as confident, active citizens. Concretely, the Commission proposes 10 actions to be taken forward over the next two years, such as the Skills Guarantee.

The European Youth Forum welcomes this initiative by the European Commission and issued this press release, calling for member states to invest in young people’s skills in order to help tackle youth unemployment and social exclusion and ensure that no one, including young migrants, is left behind. The LLLPlatform also issued a Position paper on the New Skills agenda, calling for national action plans and investments to tackle urgent challenges