This year’s first meeting of the Conference of INGOs of the Council of Europe took place in Strasbourg, 25-30 January 2016. EFIL was represented by Vica Bedő, permanent representative towards this body for EFIL.


Great news is that thanks to the common effort of the leaders and the representatives of the INGO Conference in 2015, the Council of Europe increased the financial support of this body.  You can get to know about the study visits, the youth involvement and other successful initiatives in the Annual Report of 2015 (soon to be uploaded: ), what was presented and approved by the representatives during the meeting.

Here you can read the whole presentation of the outcome of the January Session of the Conference of INGOs by Ms Anna Rurka, the President:

The most relevant points of the January Session for EFIL were the followings:

–       There are parts of the Annual Report of 2015 that are relevant to our work:

o    “Education in intercultural citizenship” (page 26. in the Activity report – English version)

o    “Transversal youth dimension” (page 33-37 in the Activity report – English version)

–       All INGOs were called to discuss the possible contribution to the “Turin process” for the European Social Charter

–       The INGO Conference in improving its use of the online social network platforms.

o    You can find them on Twitter: @CoE_NGO