On 11-13 June the partners of the Erasmus+ project ‘Intercultural learning for teachers and pupils’ coordinated by EFIL, met in Tournon sur Rhône at the Lycée Gabriel Faure, the oldest high school in France.

The project partners were glad to hold the meeting in a high school in order to be in touch with the direct beneficiaries of the project, and to discover how much history and heritage can be found in a small place in Ardéche. Project partners met with the AFS Chapter president, the School principal, and also the director of AFS France, Laure Metro Savelli, happened to be there to sign an agreement with the school.


The meeting was very productive and the first results of the hard work will soon be online over the summer at www.intercultural-learning.eu, namely:

–       The toolbox of activities to promote intercultural learning within the school. This is divided in 4 sections:

o    Tools for a global and cross-curricular approach of intercultural education at school;

o    Tools to be used across the curriculum;

o    Tools to be used within specific subjects;

o    Tools to encourage and promote international mobility and intercultural encounters.

–       The outline of the 2 or 3 days teacher training on intercultural learning which will be carried out in the period September 2017-March 2018 in the 10 different countries: France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Poland,Czech Republic, Turkey, Slovenia, Spain, the Netherlands. Each training will involve about 10-20 teachers, who will then pilot the tools mentioned above in their schools.

This will be possible thanks to a group of 17 committed trainers from the project partnership, so-called ‘multipliers’. They will all meet in Berlin on 27 August-1 September to learn about the project and discover the training sessions and the toolbox that have been drafted.

EFIL is closely cooperating with AFS International within this project, in order to align the respective work to advance school relations for the whole AFS network.

To keep updated on the project, subscribe to the newsletter to keep updated on the developments. Submit best practices following this link.


For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org