Intercultural Learning for Pupils and Teachers: ready to train hundreds of teachers to use the Toolbox for ICL@School!

The Erasmus+ project Intercultural Learning for Pupils and Teachers is showing its first outputs and getting more and more visibility. EFIL and AFS International are closely working together to ensure that the outcomes of the project contribute to profile AFS as an educational organisation towards schools. At the same time, the project has been presented at the OECD policy forum on teachers’ education ‘Strength through Diversity’ and at the European Commission’s Thematic Cluster meeting on Social Inclusion: Inspiring Trends in European Funded Projects, organised by EACEA.

Toolbox of ICL activities

The first (pilot) version of the Toolbox ‘Intercultural Learning at School’ has been published at the end of this summer! You can find it here. It provides more than 40 activities that can be used by school staff to include an intercultural dimension to educating practices. The Toolbox is divided into 4 sections:  whole school approach, cross-curricular activities, subject related activities, international mobility.

Have a look at it and give feedback through the comment box!The Toolbox will be soon available online in French, German and Italian.

ICL@school training

ICL teacher training

Empowering multipliers

The Toolbox is meant to be a tool for teachers to include ICL in every aspect of the school life. We believe that, first of all, teachers need to be empowered, develop their own intercultural competence, and try and use the Toolbox and adapt it to the needs of their school. For this purpose, within the project we gathered 16 trainers from 11 different countries, who attended the multiplier-training that was organised on 28 August to 1 September 2017 in Berlin.

The participants came from different background, school principals, teachers, AFS volunteer trainings and staff, and followed a 3-day-training on intercultural learning at school completed by a 2-day-training for trainers. The participants very much enjoyed the training and are very motivated to organise local trainings for teachers in their country and assist the teachers in piloting the toolbox in their schools.

Local Teacher-Trainings

The local teacher trainings will take place in the period September 2017 to March 2018. The courses will enable the participants to:

  • present their own intercultural experiences and enhance their intercultural competences
  • link intercultural education theories to observed behaviours
  • be aware about mobility opportunities for them and for the students and how to valorise them
  • assess intercultural competences of pupils
  • implement the whole school approach linked to intercultural learning, in a systemic way
  • navigate existing resources
  • create modules on intercultural learning linked to specific-curricula and cross curricular
  • have the opportunity to pilot the tools in their classes and school.

The multipliers are currently working on planning these trainings. At the moment, the followings are already planned:


–          9 and 24 November, organized by AFS Programmes Intercultures, Belgium. Subscribe here

–          Ecole Internationale Le Verseau, Bierges: several half-day-trainings from end of October 2017 to February 2018


–          10-11 February at the Centre Français de Berlin. Subscribe here

–          2-day-training in October 2017 followed by a feedback-day in March 2018 in Thuringen

–          2-day-training in November 2017 and another 2-day-training in February 2018 in Westfalia


–          2-day-training in November 2017 followed by one day in January in Andalusia


–          2-day-training with one day in November 2017 and the other one in January 2018 in Krakow

–          2-day-training in January 2018


–          2-day-training in November 2017 in Eindhoven


–          2-day-training in December 2017 in Chartres

–          2-day-training in November 2017 in Ardeche


–          2 days training in a week in November 2017 in Adana


–          3-day-training for multipliers in October 2017 followed by a webinar in November 2017

–          Several half-day-training in December 2017

Czech republic

–          1 day trainings for volunteers and teachers between February and April 2018


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