Preparatory Team selected … participants enrolled … in July we will be looking for 36 volunteers!

277 participants from 24 countries will be leaving in August for their trimester exchange in 25 countries in Europe. This is a 10 participants increase compared to the number of participants we had last year in June and we are happy to welcome Ireland and Egypt as sending country and UK as hosting country!

We are glad to introduce you to the Preparatory Team of the ECTP Brussels Camp 2015, composed of 2 Trainers Coordinators, 2 Support Team Coordinators, 2 Communication/IT/Plenary Coordinators, 2 Camp Coordinators from the EFIL office. Why all positions twice? Because just like in 2013 and 2014 we will have 2 parallel camps which take place simultaneously in two different venues near Brussels: ECTP participants will be divided equally by gender, nationality, and as much as possible by host country.

From mid-July to beginning of September we will be recruiting 38 volunteers (16 Trainers and 20 Support Team members) to join the Preparatory Team in the preparations and the Brussels Camp!

And now, have a look at the amazing Preparatory Team.

For more information:

Trainers coordinators


Possibly you mispronounced my name in your head, so here is some info for the future: just ignore t

he “j” in my first name and don’t even bother with my last name, I’ll explain it once we meet. Other things to know: I’ve been having an affair with AFS since 2009 when I went on an exchange from Serbia to Germany. In breaks between volunteering and wasting time on my smartphone I study something that contains way too much statistics, but at least it’s in Berlin. At the moment I am on exchange in Portugal – so I’m an exchange student again, yay!


I’m Noomi, 25 years old and new to the ECPT, though not new to the idea of active European citizenship. I currently live in Marburg, Europe where I am writing my master thesis in Peace and Conflict Studies. I very much enjoy meeting new people from all over the world, trying new food and perspectives and listening to stories from all around the world. I like TED Talks, Yoga and Pilates, good food, sun, cats, good books (my favourite at the moment: Americanah by Chimamanda Adichie) and I would call myself a happy feminist. I’m looking forward to meeting lots of wonderful and inspiring people and as member of the prep team I will of course do anything to make the camp an amazing event!



Support Team Coordinators


“Hæ hæ every

body, my name is Irene, and I come from the chaothic and beautiful city of Rome. My adventure with AFS began in 2009, when I spent my exchange year in northern Germany. It was an amazing experience, but at a certain point I must have decided that Germany wasn’t cold enough and so, after recharging my sun-batteries in Spain, I moved to Iceland (see happy picture). I am currently doing my EVS in the AFS Office in Reykjavik and in the meantime I am trying to figure out how it is possible that so few people can create so much incredible music. It’s still a mistery to me, though. I will stop blabbering now, can’t wait to meet you all in Brussels and to support the Support Team!”


I’m Max and I’m a European from Italy. After being an exchange student to Australia at the time when Italy last won the World Cup Football, I got 100% involved with AFS: I have been a host brother a few times, and an active AFS volunteer in Italy ever since. I was local chapter for three years and after that I stayed involved with my chapter, mainly filling gaps that would arise from time to time. I have a background in international relations and a master’s in development economics. I am now based in Geneva where I work as an intern for a private diplomacy NGO that promotes peace through conflict mediation and prevention – a mission that is indeed not far at all from that of AFS. AFS definitely boosted my passion for travelling and meeting new people. Besides my home country Italy and my host country Australia, I have lived in Switzerland, the UK and Kenya, and have figured out three weeks is what it takes me to get used to a new place. After being involved with ECTP as trainer and support team member, I will travel again to Brussels this year as support Team Coordinator.

Communication with participants Coordinator and ECTP intern @ EFIL office



I’m Alexandra Cordeiro from Portugal. I am a volunteer since 2008, and my first participation at the ECTP it was in 2010, as a Support Team Member. Since I started being a volunteer I have been participating in some EFIL events like a Study Session and four Summer Summits (Turkey, Portugal, Latvia and Bosnia). Two years ago I have become an EPOT Member and this year also an EPOR MEmber. Now I am about to start my new adventure: an internship at the EFIL’s Office in Brussels for one year!

IT coordinator


Merhaba! I’m Sercan from Turkey. I was an AFS exchange student in Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2009/2010 and since then I am volunteering for AFS. I graduated last year and have my degree in Landscape Architecture. At the moment I am living in Prague and I’m volunteering for AFS Czech Republic as an EVS volunteer. I am a coffee addict and obsessed with orange! This is going to be my first experience with ECTP. I look forward to taking part in preparations of this years’ ECTP camp! Here is a little secret about this years’ camp: It’s going to be amazing and unforgettable! 

And the 2 Camp Coordinators from EFIL office: Inga & Elisa
