The Forum on Intercultural Learning and Exchange (FILE) is an annual conference that explores a particular topic in international educational exchange that has not received much sustained focus. It is one of the main activities of Fondazione Intercultura and it is convened in cooperation with EFIL (European Federation for Intercultural Learning) and AFS Intercultural Programs.

FILE VII will take place in Colle di Val d’Elsa, 3-5 November 2016 and will tackle the topic  “The intercultural training of teachers: what, when, how?” by brainstorming and discussing:

  • Which intercultural training should be available for teachers? Methodologies? Content? Should it be part of their in-service training?
  • Which teachers should receive this training? Foreign language? Others? All?
  • Should intercultural learning be a separate subject in the curriculum of pupils or should it cut across all subjects?
  • How to check/assess the outcome?
  • Which is the role of governments, teacher training colleges, educational agencies? How to promote cooperation on these topics?
  • How to promote teacher exchanges and partnerships?

The expected outcomes will include suggestions on how teacher training could include a preparation for the task for transferring an intercultural mindset to pupils in school and how teachers can be given tools to provide culture learning opportunities for their pupils, esp. in secondary schools.

The +/- 60 participants come from different parts of the world : half of them will come from universities and research institutions active in the field of educational exchanges; the other half will be practitioners from NGOs that have been involved in international exchanges for many years. From past editions of the Forum we have learned that this mixture of academics and practitioners is very fruitful.

The programme has been finalised and you can find it online here or download it: FORUM_VII_-_Tentative_final_program

Apart from the high level speakers, also other experts will attend, such as representatives from the Council of Europe Education department, OECD – PISA department, E-twinning, the European Association of History Educators – EUROCLIO, the European Association of Teachers – AEDE, International Baccalaureate-IB.

The Call for participants from the EFIL and AFS network is now open. Please send your interest to attend via e-mail to by 26 June 2016. The participation fee is 470 Euro for single room accommodation and 380 Euro for double room accommodation.

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