The first months of 2018 have been rich in terms of advocacy for the shaping of the new EU funding programmes, post 2020. In fact, the European Commission will publish on the 29th May a proposal for all new programmes for the period 2021-2027. The European Commission has gathered input through public consultations with stakeholders, on different topics. In particular, for the new EU programme in the field of education, training and youth, the European Commission is taking in high consideration the mid-term report on Erasmus+ implementation which was released at the end of January. The report clearly outlines the need for more funding for pupil mobility.

On the 1st of March, the President of the Commission Junker, has issued letter presenting the scenario for the new programmes. At the moment, it is clear that the EFIL/AFS values and mission will be supported by funds under the heading ‘Investing in people & European values’ and:

  • Erasmus+ remains a stand-alone programme
  • European Solidarity Corps (ESC) remains a stand-alone programme, incorporating the EU Aid Volunteers Initiative. To know more about ESC, check this other EFILife article.
  • A single EU Values Fund merging Creative Europe, Europe for Citizens, Justice Programme, and the Rights, Equality and Citizenship programme. This Fund would have 2 strands 1) European Culture, Rights and Values, and 2) Justice
  • A single European Social Fund merging various instruments managed by DG Employment and covering also integration of migrants.

EFIL is actively taking part in this consultation process on the new funding programme. We took part in the public consultation on EU funds in the area of values and mobility, and together with EEE-YFU, OBESSU, ESHA and ATEE we are running the campaign ‘More pupil mobility through partnership between schools and exchange organisations’ asking for a stronger focus on pupil mobility in the next Erasmus+ programme and a specific role for expert pupil mobility organisations in the management of the exchanges. The campaign is supported by MEP Milan Zver, who will be the rapporteur of the European Parliament on the Commission’s proposal for the new Erasmus+ programme. On June 1st the campaign will be presented at the European Parliament in Strasbourg during the European Youth Event  at the a panel discussion on ‘Erasmus+ for younger people’.

To know more, you can read our position paper ‘Boosting individual pupil mobility in the next Erasmus+‘.


Moreover, we are active in the Funding Expert group of the European Youth Forum which has contributed to the Youth Forum 

Shadow Report on the Mid-Term Evaluation of Erasmus + Youth Chapter, to the LLL Platform which has published the results of the Erasmus+ implementation survey, and to the work of the Erasmus+ coalition which is running the ErasmusX10 campaign.Ex10

On the 14th of March, the European Parliament has adopted a resolution on the next EU budget, calling for the Erasmus+ envelope to be at least tripled in the next MFF with the aim of reaching many more young people, youth organisations and secondary school pupils and apprentices across Europe.

The EU Council has discussed the future of Erasmus+ on 15th February and agrees in at least doubling the funding.

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