Every two years the European Pool of Representatives (EPOR) core group, namely EFIL’s Advocacy co-ordinator and the members of the EPOR who hold permanent positions, meet at the EFIL General Assembly (GA). The objective to hold the meeting attached to the GA is to give visibility to the efforts done in the field of advocacy, ensure that the representatives are up to date with the latest strategic developments in the network, and allow for an interaction between the representatives and EFIL members.

The current EPOR core group is composed of:

Charlotte Klinting (AFS Denmark) – Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe for the mandate 2016-2017 and for the one 2018-2019

Lukas Findeisen (AFS Germany), EU structured dialogue with young people from July 2017 to December 2018.

Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro  (AFS Portugal) European Youth Forum from May 2017 to April 2020


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from left to right: Elisa Briga (EFIL), Charlotte Klinting, Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro, Lukas Findeisen

The EPOR core group coordinates representation of EFIL towards these main Platforms and institutions to ensure that EFIL’s priorities are systematically and coherently addressed, and provides input on how to enhance the work of the overall Pool of Representatives.

The main topics on the agenda were:

–       EFIL’s priorities and projects for 2017-2018, linking them to the priorities of the political institutions and Platforms where we are represented.

–       The re-definition of the working methods within the EPOR and the communication towards Advocacy Liaisons. EPOR will work on slack and will cooperate online to write policy papers on different topics, both EPOR and Advocacy Liaisons will be invited to join a Zoom Call once every two months on a specific advocacy topic and on general advocacy updates.

–       Creating a new advocacy online course open to all volunteers and staff interested in advocacy, while keeping a separate online course for EPORies and Advocacy Liaisons

It is great to have such a committed group of volunteers supporting EFIL’s advocacy who closely cooperate and continuously innovate practices to try and ensure the reach out to members.

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org