On 22-24 May the core group of the European Pool of Representatives met in Strasbourg for its annual gathering.Members of the core group are those EPORies that have a ‘permanent’ position of representation towards institutions/Platforms.

– Charlotte Klinting, AFS Denmark, representative towards the Advisory Council (AC) on Youth of the Council of Europe for the period 2016-2017, representing AC within the European Platform for Learning Mobility (EPLM).

– Alexandra Singpiel, AFS Germany, representative towards the European Youth Forum (YFJ) for the period 2014-2016.

– Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro, AFS Portugal, representative towards the EU structured dialogue with young people for the period Jan 2016-Jun 2017.

– Viktoria Bedo, AFS France/Hungary, representative towards the INGO Conference of the Council of Europe, as long as she lives in Strasbourg.

– Elisa Briga, EFIL’s Advocacy coordinator, main EFIL representative on topics linked to education, funding and mobility, and to LLLPlatform and KeyCoNet

The annual meeting of the core group aims at ensuring coordination and synergies of EFIL representation in the main European platforms. The core group also oversees the development of the EPOR, providing ideas for effectivess in external representation, internal capacity building and strengthening links among EPORies and with Advocacy Liaisons.

In particular, EFIL core group decided to continue EFIL’s representation at the sessions of the INGO Conference of the Council of Europe, after having evaluated one year of commitment. Also, since, the presence of intercultural learning within school education and teacher training is more and more present in EFIL advocacy, EFIL secretariat and TICLAB will primarily focus on these topics given the expertise required. Cooperation between EPOR and TICLAB will be strengthened.

The EPOR core group encourages new EPORies to get engaged with advocacy and search for external representation opportunities. Also, there is hope that soon everyone will join the EFIL group on WoCa.

The meeting was also the chance to update the document ‘How we work together: EFIL Secretariat, European Pool of Representatives & Advocacy Liaisons’, which was then shared.

Finally, the meeting was also a chance to celebrate the 5th anniversary of EFIL’s Advocacy coordinator at the EFIL office.

EPOR core group meeting

For more information: elisa.briga@afs.org