Did you know that since 2013 EFIL has its own ICL Strategy? Did you know that the Strategy was developed by the Training and Intercultural Learning Advisory Body (TICLAB), consulted by national AFS organisations and then approved by the EFIL Board?

Intercultural Learning (ICL), written within the name and mission of EFIL, is a transversal issue for all its activities. The EFIL Strategy for Intercultural Learning complements the EFIL Strategic Plan 2013-2020 and builds up on the general objectives outlined in that document.

EFIL understands Intercultural Learning broadly as a process by which one acquires the ability to appreciate and engage effectively and appropriately in situations involving diversity, where diversity may refer to territory, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, social status, religion etc.

Intercultural Learning is seen by EFIL as a part of the bigger Global Education framework, closely connected to other topics such as inclusion, diversity, human rights and democratic citizenship. In the context of the increasingly multicultural and mobile societies in Europe, EFIL promotes the role of AFS and its volunteers as active, interculturally competent members of the civil society.

Intercultural Learning is lived within the organisation and is therefore an essential part of all EFIL activities at all levels, from core values to everyday operations.

EFIL is perceived and acts as an expert provider of ICL through experiential learning approaches within AFS and by external audiences (notably European institutions and NGOs).

EFIL promotes ICL as a central issue for every member AFS organisation and helps its Members in building AFS’ reputation as an expert provider of ICL also at the national level.

The following objectives / results support the statements above:

1) Intercultural Learning is an essential part of the EFIL organisational culture and of all its activities.

2) EFIL’s efforts in the field of ICL create a coherent added value to those of AFS IP.

3) EFIL is perceived and acts as an expert provider of ICL through experiential approaches within AFS and by relevant external audiences.

4) EFIL contributes to its Members’ awareness, competence and reputation in the field of ICL.

5) The ICL expertise of EFIL and its Members is constantly updated and challenged.

6) All EFIL volunteers and participants of activities are active citizens contributing to multicultural civil society and see themselves as such.

What does it mean for EFIL Member Organisations, volunteers and staff? For each of these objectives a list of indicators has been set, which directly translate into actions and services offered to AFS members. These actions are monitored and evaluated by the TICLAB and the EFIL Board. The Strategy is a dynamic document, which should remain relevant in the changing AFS reality- therefore further comments and feedback from the membership are very welcome!

For more information: izabela.jurczik-arnold@afs.org