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EFIL has joined the Key Competence Network on School Education – KeyCoNet- as associate partner.  KeyCoNet, funded under the European Commission’s Lifelong Learning Programme, is now a growing network of more than 100 organisations representing educational stakeholder groups from 27 European countries, focused on improving the implementation of the 8 key competences in school education.  It  focuses on identifying and analysing emergent strategies in implementing key competences into education reforms, and on this basis aims to produce recommendations for policy and practice.

KeyCoNet promotes an educational approach that goes beyond subjects and focuses on developing competences: you can watch here their video presenting their final recommendations for the Integration of 21st Century Competences in School.

KeyCoNet is managed by European Schoolnet, a network of 30 Ministries of Education.

As new associate partner, EFIL has attended the Conference of EU Policy networks “Sustainable Networks for Inclusive Education” which was held on 11-13 April in Brussels. The conference addressed four education policy networks which originated from EU funded projects, namely KeyCoNet, SIRIUS (migrants’ education), EPNoSL (school leadership), ELINET (literacy). The objective was to discuss the upcoming EU agenda in the field of Education (New Skills Agenda, Paris declaration) and to network for further cooperation.

EFIL got the chance to introduce its work to the members of KeyCoNet and display in a poster session, together with EEE-YFU, the joint campaign #RecogniseStudyAbroad.


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