Since 2012 EFIL is involved in the EU structured dialogue with young people which is a process of consultation with young people on EU policy making in the field of education and youth, led by the EU Council. The process is divided in 18 months cycles. The fifth cycle has just started under the Trio Presidency of Netherlands, Slovakia and Malta. Young people will be asked their opinions on policies ‘Enabling All Young People to Engage in a Diverse, connected and inclusive Europe’.

National Working Groups bring in into the discussion a national perspective on the topic, while European youth organisations like EFIL bring in a European dimension.

For each cycle EFIL has selected a volunteer within its Pool of Representative to represent AFS young volunteers in Europe within this consultation process. For the current cycle Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro (AFS Portugal) will speak up for you!

Alexandra is also one of the 10 young people representatives of European youth NGOs who has been selected by the Structured Dialogue Steering Committee to attend the three EU Youth Conferences foreseen for this cycle. We are grateful for this opportunity for EFIL, which has been recognised as an expert in intercultural learning as a key factor for inclusive and connected societies.  EFIL will strongly cooperate with the other European youth NGOs that are active in the structured dialogue process and that will not have the chance to be at the EU Youth Conferences to interact directly with the representatives of EU Member states.

The next step is the EU Youth Conference in Amsterdam where young people’s representatives and policy makers will draft the questionnaire to be then spread widely within the EU to collect the opinion of youth. Stay tuned!

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