EFIL expands to 30 member organisations

4b. new EFIL members Prague

In Prague, Czech Republic, 25-28 May 2017, EFIL members all gathered for the biennial EFIL General Assembly.  Undoubtedly one of the highlights of the events in Prague, was the inauguration of no less than seven organisations as new Full Members of the European Federation for Intercultural Learning, plus one new Affiliate Member.  All the candidate member organisations received a long applause when their names were called out by Amalie Ferdinand, member of the international Board of Trustees and chair of the statutory session of the EFIL General Assembly in Prague on Saturday 27 May.   A memorable moment!

The new Full Members of EFIL (in alphabetical order):

  • AFS Bosnia and Herzegovina/Interkulturni susreti u Bosni I Hercegovini, International Associate of AFS in Bosnia and Herzegovina, represented by Milan Kusmuk, Chair of the Board
  • Globus Association for Intercultural Learning, International Associate of AFS in Croatia, represented by Sonja Kezeric, National Director
  • EIL Intercultural Learning Ireland, official AFS  partner in Ireland, represented by Kevin Hickey, CEO of EIL Ireland
  • Polska Programy Miedzynarodowe, International Associate of AFS in Poland, represented by Magda Poresbska, National Director
  • Interkultura, International Associate of AFS in Serbia, represented by Ivana Gazikalovic-Pavlovic, National Director
  • Intercultura Slovakia, International Associate of AFS in Slovakia, represented by Zora Loviskova, Chair of the Board
  • Educational Association Interkultura, International Associate of AFS in Slovenia, represented by Tosja Kobler-Jovanovic

Affiliate membership status has been granted to:

  •  Intercultural Exchanges Bulgaria (IEB), International Associate of AFS in Bulgaria, represented by Svetla Kaisheva, Chair of the Board of IEB

This was the moment the network had been waiting for since the decision was taken at the 2007 EFIL General Assembly in Lisbon, Portugal, to expand the Federation by introducing new partners.  After a decade of hard work by all involved, our partners in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia have now joined us as members of our European Federation.  Additionally, we are proud to welcome EIL Intercultural Learning, the AFS partner organisation in Ireland, as a member of our network.  EFIL’s efforts in new partner development continue, with IEB, our partner organisation in Bulgaria, joining the Federation as an Affiliate member.

A warm welcome to all our new members!  EFIL now counts 30 member organisations. Never before did the Federation have a larger membership.

4a. new EFIL members representatives