This year, thanks to a closer cooperation between EFIL and the European office of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM), an EPOT member – and experienced Scout – Alexandra Ruivo Cordeiro (AFS Portugal) –  brought some Intercultural learning workshops at Roverway!

What is Roverway? It is  an international activity organised by the European Region of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS).

Roverway targets European youth aged 16-24 year olds (Rovers) and takes place every 3 years since 2003: this 5th Edition was hosted in France by the Scouts et Guides de France (SGF). Actually, Roverway replaces the event Eurofolk, which took place between 1977 and 1997 every 4 years.


Here is her testimony:

From 3 to 14 August, Roverway gathered about 4500 people from all over Europe. For the first 6 days, each rover team went to all over France to live in community, while doing voluntary service (Routes).

While Rovers were enjoying the Routes, the International Service Team (IST) was working very hard in Jambville, a beautiful property with the shape of a heart owned by the SGF, to prepare their arrival on the 10th. For those days, I was was part of the IST, working and having fun as a scout.

The last 4 days, included sharing experiences, but also bringing something home to share with others. The Roverway was centred around 4 themes: 1. Broadening our horizons: learning to live together, 2. Making choices: learning to be a committed citizen, 3. Be your own superhero: learning to develop your own personality, 4. A better world: learning about nature and sustainable development.

EFIL participated in the 4 themes fair, where a workshop on Intercultural Learning was offered to everyone that wanted to participate. As feedback, participants shared how important is to have this intercultural sensitivity in Scouts, specially in in International activities, where culture shock can be more visible.

As a Scout, and an AFS volunteer, I agree that more can be done, and hope for this cooperation to continue in the future. Thank you so much for all the support!


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