As reported in the previous edition of this news magazine, at the Extra-Ordinary General Assembly of EFIL in Malaga, Spain, June 2014 three new members were elected for a two-year term on the EFIL Board of Directors.  The new Board members are Jatta Erlund (former National Director of AFS Finland), Andrea Franzoi (current Organisational Development Coordinator of Intercultura, our AFS partner in Italy) and Ragnar Thorvardarson (former Chair of the Board of AFS Iceland).

At the first meeting of the new Board in Brussels, 24-26 October 2014, the EFIL Board decided on the mandates for 2014-2015. All four the mandates for 2013-2014 were re-confirmed. Jörn Lehmann (Germany) will stay on as Chair of the EFIL Board, while Philipp Wagner (Austria) remains the Deputy-Chair. Bart van Doveren (Belgium Flanders) continues as the EFIL Board’s Treasurer, and Ekaterina Bagdasarova (Russia) is the Secretary of the Board.

The EFIL Board consists of seven members, serving two-year terms (renewable).  The next elections for the EFIL Board will take place at the EFIL General Assembly in Budapest, Hungary, 14-17 May 2015, where three Board members will be elected. The call for nominations will be distributed no later than 16 February 2015.
